Heritage and Culture

Cornelia Limpricht & Megan Biesele (Eds.)
Heritage and Cultures in Modern Namibia –
In-depth Views of the Country

A TUCSIN Festschrift

2008, 29,7 x 21 cm, Paperback, 196 pages
52 b/w and 44 color figures, 15 b/w and 15 colour tables
ISBN 978-3-933117-39-7, EUR 30,00

30 years of TUCSIN – sharing of knowledge is one principle of TUCSIN – therefore 19 scientists and 2 writers from USA, Canada, Germany, South Africa and Namibia made the effort to report on their past and present activities in Namibia. The articles span a time frame of more than 10 million years and cover a large spectrum of subjects.


Issues concerning the whole country:
Migration in Namibia; Examples of development and progress; and for the first time published in Namibia: the chronology of the Namibian rock art.

Articles arranged along a regional approach from north to south:
Kavango area:
Language use and origins; archaeology & iron production; economic trust game-experiments;
The central northern area:
The discovery of Otavipithecus namibiensis: the most significant fossil find ever made in Namibia; Political identities? Multiple cultures and their clothing traditions; Exploration of similarities between people of different ethnic origin in Fransfontein; The Nyae Nyae Village Schools, an example for appropriate, community-based education projects for San communities; Joint research efforts and mutual capacity building of Canadian, UNAM and TUCSIN students on HIV/AIDS.
The central and southern area:
The integration of the “Ex-GDR-Children”; The Rehoboth Basters and their farming system; Pre-Baster population of the Rehoboth area and first-hand results on archaeological excavations; Traditionalism and modernity amongst the Khoekhoen (Nama) of Berseba; Last but not least an archaeological topic deep in the south: The rock-shelter “Apollo 11”, the oldest drawings from the African continent & some of the oldest evidence for artistic expression worldwide.

List of Authors:
Megan Biesele, Ph.D.; Lesley Beake; Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig; Prof. Glenn Conroy, Ph.D., Dr. Hildi Hendrickson; Dr. Sabine Klocke-Daffa; Eileen Kose M.A.; Prof. Dr. Hartmut Lang; Prof. Richard B. Lee, Ph.D.; Dr. Cornelia Limpricht; Dr. Duncan Miller; Prof. Dr. Wilhelm J. G. Möhlig; Prof. Alan G Morris, Ph.D.; Monica Nambelela; Jason Owens, Ph.D.; Dr. Julia Pauli; Prof. Wade Pendleton, PhD.; Michael Pröpper, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Richter; Prof. Dr. Michael Schnegg; Dr. Ralf Vogelsang


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