
Neil MacLeod, Nikos G. Petrou
An Expert’s Guide to Finding the Animals in ETOSHA

updated edition 2019, 20 x 29,5 cm, Paperback, 96 pages
294 photographs, 5 maps
ISBN 978-3933117-85-4, EUR 19,80

96 pages full of information gathered over countless game drives throughout Etosha by one of Namibia’s leading safari guides. This book will maximise your chances of finding the animals. Including, for the first time, Western Etosha.

• Concise facts about the Park’s history, topography, climate and vegetation.
• Information on the Park’s wildlife and advice on the best areas to visit and the best times to locate different species.
• Detailed descriptions of all 64 waterholes accessible to visitors.
• Suggested routes and practical tips to plan your game drives.
• Field guide to 184 species of mammals, birds and reptiles you are most likely to encounter in the Park.

The ultimate guidebook to Etosha!

This book is also available in German.


Klaus Hess Verlag
Sudetenland-Str. 18
D-37085 Göttingen

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